Gum Disease
Creating Smiles That You Will Love!

What is a Periodontist?
We focus on the prevention and treatment of diseases that revolve around the tissues below and around your teeth.
When do you need a Periodontist?
Periodontal treatment is essential for individuals with complicated gum problems. ie: gum disease, gum recessions or need dental implants.
Services Provided by a Periodontist:
Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention of Gum Disease, place Dental Implants, Treat Gum Disease or Recessions, and preform Bone Grafts.

Example of Different Stages of Gum Disease

It’s not “Just Gum” – Learn more about How to Manage Gum Disease: Click Here

Meet Dr. Randy Neichen
Over 30 Years of Experience
As a periodontist, Dr. Neichen’s primary focus, is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of gum disease as well as cosmetic procedures for people who want to improve their smiles. He’s trained in all of the newest tooth-saving techniques such as gentle laser treatment, bone grafting and Gore-Tex. If you have advanced gum disease or receding gums that you feel are unattractive, you can’t find better care than from Dr. Neichin.

Article by Dr. Jerry Simon: Lifestyle and Disease, by Dr. Jerry Simon, clinical director of Dental Care of Stamford

Related Research That Proves links between gum inflammation and heart attacks and strokes
Dr. Mario Clerici Study on Periodontal and
Heart Disease
December 12th, 2008
Diabetes and Periodontal Disease:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan study
December 1st, 2008

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